Looking for you next experience in the bush?

Goliath Training has partnered with Rhino Revolution to offer you an incredible volunteering opportunity.

Join Goliath Training to gain first hand experience of the realities of wildlife conservation in South Africa. This volunteering programme is an immersive wildlife conservation experience set against a backdrop of protecting rhinos. Get your hands dirty whilst experiencing the magic of the African Savanna.

Volunteers will contribute to valuable wildlife research and conservation initiatives by participating in data collection, animal tracking and behavioural monitoring on daily game drives and bush walks.

Volunteers will contribute to a range of conservation initiatives throughout their programme. Projects include:

* Large Mammal Monitoring and Data Collection

* Reserve Maintenance and Habitat Conservation

* Study Mega-Herbivores and their Environmental Impact

* Dung Beetle Research

* Wild Rhino Tracking Experience

Volunteers will experience a day in the life of a rhino monitor and will be taught about rhino conservation, the history, today’s challenges, and possible solutions. To round off their stay volunteers will get to meet Vulcan, Rhino Revolution’s very own anti-poaching pup, and learn about the elite anti-poaching units with their canine companions who help to keep wild rhinos safe.

This programme is a collaboration with Rhino Revolution and 30% of the programme fee will be donated to Rhino Revolution to support our work and secure a future for rhinos. These donations will be used to fund horn trimming operations, Rhino Relocations, Rhino Breeding Projects, Anti-Poaching Operations, equipment and assistance, and Community Education and Engagement initiatives.


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