Relocation of Rhino Bull #34

On March 15, 2024, Rhino Revolution carried out a big operation, we have successfully translocated a mature white rhinoceros. This rhinoceros, a male specimen, has played an important role in the breeding project over the past years.


In the territory of the rhino, there are now several young females, offspring of the mentioned rhino, which will soon reach sexual maturity. To prevent any possible inbreeding, the translocation of this rhino bull was essential. The translocation went smoothly, however, we will greatly miss the rhino, known as #34, which has lived in this reserve since birth and has now reached an age of approximately 13-14 years.


#34 was the dominant bull in its territory. Through its translocation, the young bulls raised by us in the orphanage now have the opportunity to take over its territory and mate with the females, thereby keeping the gene pool healthy.


We would like to express our gratitude to our generous guest who each contributed R5000.00 to cover the costs. Furthermore, we would like to thank all the individuals involved such as veterinarians and pilots, whom have all played big roles in making it a smooth project.


Special thanks also go to for the live broadcast of the translocation, which enabled a wider audience to follow this significant step in species conservation.


The successful translocation of this rhino is a significant step in the efforts to protect and preserve endangered species. Rhino Revolution remains committed to advocating for the preservation of rhino populations and conserving these valuable animals for future generations.
